Microsoft has reportedly agreed to acquire GitHub, Deal may happen soonest.

Microsoft has reportedly agreed to acquire code repository GitHub, according to Bloomberg. The apparent deal, which neither company has publicly confirmed, could happen as soon as Monday. Terms of the deal are still unknown. Microsoft’s apparent interest in GitHub was first raised Friday by Business Insider, and things appear to have escalated mighty quickly fromContinue reading “Microsoft has reportedly agreed to acquire GitHub, Deal may happen soonest.”

Instagram’s code reveals a potential portrait camera mode

Portrait mode could enhance photos through blurred backgrounds and new lighting options Analysis of Instagram’s Android application package (APK) shows the app has a hidden portrait camera mode buried within its code, reports TechCrunch. Peeling open the APK reveals a portrait shutter icon that looks like it would be incorporated into Instagram’s camera, which alreadyContinue reading “Instagram’s code reveals a potential portrait camera mode”

Students demanding fact about coding bootcamp.

It’s been a remarkable rise so far, but for coding bootcamps to become mainstream they must prove that the outcomes they advertise are real. In 2012 coding bootcamps began offering courses in software development and promising graduates new careers in technology. The schools, now backed by hundreds of millions in VC funding, will educate aboutContinue reading “Students demanding fact about coding bootcamp.”